State of Decay 2 Blood Plague

State of Decay 2: The Zombie Types You Need to Know

The world of State of Decay 2 is filled to the brim with unique zombie types that challenge the player to switch up their tactics in order to survive.

On lower difficulty levels, the regular zombie hordes pose little threat, while special zombies, like the Feral, prove a modest challenge. On Lethal, however, even a lone zombie puts the player at risk of infection or untimely death.

To improve your odds of survival, learn all about the numerous zombie types in State of Decay 2 with us!

Regular Zombies

State of Decay Zombies

The usual zombie horde proves little challenge for the experienced player. Those zombies that walk may be run down, shot, sliced, or smashed. Then, you have the regular zombies that can no longer walk. They crawl about in search of food. A quick finisher will send them to the next realm.

On higher difficulty levels, even a regular zombie horde can lead to your death. It’s often best to fight as a group or use a vehicle to thin the horde before you enter the fray in melee combat. Remember: Always bring along first aid and stamina-boosting consumables.

Armored Zombies

The armored zombies roaming the map were once members of the military or local police force before turning. As part of the first responders to the zombie threat, most of these guys remain in their combat armor, which allows them to take a beating from melee weapons and withstand a few gunshots to the body.

A few hits to the head should suffice. Or, if you have the spare ammunition, a .50 caliber rifle will negate their armor and kill them in a single shot. Alternatively, use a vehicle to run them down or sneak up behind armored zombies for a quick stealth kill.

Plague Zombies

State of Decay Plague Zombies

You’ll note the glowing red eyes and bright red skin of the Plague Zombies. These monstrosities stem from the Plague Hearts, and are highly contagious to the player. If a Plague Zombie bites or scratches you, chances are high you’ll come down ill with the Blood Plague. A repeated attack by a Plague Zombie leads to the rapid progression of the disease, so be wary of these zombies.

The best way to tackle Plague Zombies, especially on higher difficulties, is via stealth kills or ranged attacks. Whenever possible, you do not want to approach a Plague Zombie and enter melee combat.

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State of Decay Screamer

The screamer is one of the first special zombie types you’ll stumble across in State of Decay 2. These decaying zombies are notably missing their lower jaw. Despite this, they produce an ear-shattering scream that attracts other undead to the area.

To combat a screamer, either run them over with a vehicle or sneak up behind them for a stealth attack. Alternatively, if you have spare ammunition and don’t mind firing a shot, put one in their dome. The sooner you can take down a screamer, the better. These monstrosities always show up at infected houses, so watch yourself as you move room-to-room clearing the place.


State of Decay Bloater

I’ll say it plainly, bloaters are an absolute pain in the ass.

You’ll note the bloaters distended belly, its pale-green skin, and lanky walk as it approaches. Once it closes the distance, bloaters will explode and release a toxic cloud that depletes your health quickly. In some cases, bloaters act as traps by laying down on the ground. If you run one over in a vehicle, the cloud fills the cabin and continually saps your life until you either constantly heal or ditch the vehicle altogether.

To combat a bloater, distance is your friend. You do not want to get too close, so use a firearm or crossbow to take them out from afar.


State of Decay Feral

As the most agile and, arguably, the most dangerous unique zombie type in the game, the feral runs and pounces on all fours, slams into vehicles, and can tackle survivors to the ground. Due to their speed, taking down a feral proves challenging for inexperienced players.

How do you kill a feral in State of Decay 2? Believe it or not, spray and pray is a viable option. Or, you could use a shotgun and aim high. A headshot is ideal. If you’re lucky enough, you may kill one with a vehicle, but ferals are agile and can quickly leap out of the way of a speeding car.


State of Decay 2 Juggernaut

The juggernaut is the toughest unique zombie in State of Decay 2. It’s slow, which means you can maneuver around its mass, but do not let it close the distance. The moment you do, it will scoop you up and tear you in half or slam you to the ground. I’ve seen too many survivors perish early because a juggernaut removed their torso.

These mutants take a ton of damage to bring down. Your best bet is to use explosives and firearms — aim for the head. Once the juggernaut falls to its knees, run up behind it and use your action button to perform a quick kill.

Note: Do not use a vehicle. A juggernaut is tougher than your average car and will quickly whittle down its health until your favorite truck explodes around you.

What do you think is the most dangerous unique zombie types in State of Decay 2?