Fallout 76 Summersville

Fallout 76: Where to Find the Jukeboxes in Summersville

As you progress through the storyline in Fallout 76, specifically while working with Duchess at The Wayward, you’re asked to find a new body for Polly. This little quest takes you to a small town just down the road, Summersville, which is infested with Blood Eagles. But it has something worse roaming the streets, too. A lack of music! You need to find all of the jukeboxes in Summersville and restore the music.

But where can you find each jukebox? Summersville is positively trashed because of the apocalypse, with some buildings crumbling inward on themselves.

In total, there are three jukeboxes in Summersville.

Jukebox #1

Jukeboxes in Summersville

Chances are, on your way to your quest, you’ll come across the bridge leading into Summersville. Directly inside of the town, to your left, is a rundown diner without a door or windows. Inside, in the back left corner, you’ll find the first jukebox.

To activate it and restore music to this portion of the town, simply walk up and use your action key.

There are no enemies inside, so walk confidently. Don’t forget to check the kitchen, where you will find plenty of food and scrap materials, too.

Jukebox #2

Jukeboxes in Summersville

The second jukebox is located inside of the laundromat, down the street through the center of town.

If you come around from the backside, you’ll find a massive hole in the wall. Directly inside of the collapsed wall is the jukebox, standing tall beside a Nuka Cola machine.

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Jukebox #3

Jukeboxes in Summersville

Lastly, the final jukebox is nestled in the back of a collapsed building on the right-hand side of the main road through town.

It sits beside a building with green signage and window coverings, with a rusted-out truck out front of both buildings.

Enter through the torn-down wall, climb over the rubble, and you’ll find the jukebox in the way back, half-buried beneath the second floor.