State of Decay 2: Beginner’s Guide Tips and Tricks

Are you looking for State of Decay 2 tips and tricks? Do you want to survive the zombie apocalypse longer, secure your base, and gather supplies with ease? You’ve come to the right place, because I can totally survive the end of times, especially in State of Decay 2. Trust me!

Early Game State of Decay 2 Tips and Tricks

Let’s be honest with ourselves here, early game State of Decay 2 is relatively simple. You spawn into your chosen map with three characters who can, for the most part, hold their own. Your first task is to secure an already fortified home as your main base. Easy!

Once you have a spot to call home, you’re tasked with finding supplies. From there, the game is relatively open-ended, so long as you choose to survive instead of destroying plague hearts.

Keep a Vehicle Handy

One of the primary goals of State of Decay 2 is to scavenge supplies. The whole map is brimming with supplies, but you can’t reach all of it on foot, nor can you carry every bag of ammunition or food stuffs.

Bring a vehicle. A car or truck proves invaluable when moving from hamlet to hamlet, mopping up zombies and scoring supplies to bring back to base.

But not all vehicles were created equally. A four-door car, while fantastic for transporting NPCs, doesn’t offer the stopping power or armor rating you want at the end of the world. A truck, or a reinforced vehicle, works better!

Swap Characters Regularly

It’s true; you’re likely to have a favorite character early on, and that’s okay. But remember to switch characters regularly. You must monitor stamina, health, and skills for each character in your community. Should one character fall behind, it puts the whole community at risk.

Furthermore, bring a character best suited to the job. Let’s say your goal for the day is to clear the burger joint around the corner. Chances are you want someone who can shoot.

Alternatively, for scavenging runs, bring a character with a high ‘Wits‘ stat. What does wits do in State of Decay 2? The higher your wits, the faster survivors’ search speed while looting.

Think Carefully Before Using Influence

In the late game, you’ll have so much influence it won’t matter what you purchase. In the early game, State of Decay 2 offers a few challenges, and you’ll need to prioritize.

For completing a mission, you gain influence. For killing a zombie, you gain influence. Almost everything in the game provides influence, which you may then turn around and use to found outposts, trade, and ask for favors from other survivors.

Early on, it’s best to save your influence for trades in exchange for high-end gear, like explosives and better weapons.

Aid Your Neighbors

It’s the end of the world, but you’re not alone. You have neighbors vying for survival, just like your group. You can attack, killing other survivors and stealing their gear, or you can aid them and build an alliance.

It’s best to aid your neighbors in State of Decay 2. If you choose to help other survivors, you will, for starters, accumulate influence. Secondly, they genuinely become allies, helping you fight, trading with you, etc.

Should you choose to ignore aid requests or outright attack other survivor enclaves, there will be bad times ahead. They may attack, ambush you, or ignore your calls for help, costing you dearly.

There you have it! A few State of Decay 2 tips and tricks, especially geared towards new players and early game!

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