State of Decay 2 Blood Plague

Should You Play State of Decay 2 in 2022?

We’re nearing the release of State of Decay 3, or so many of us hope, and yet there’s a lot of life left in State of Decay 2. I mean, seriously, developer Undead Labs introduces enormous content updates, quality of life fixes, and much-requested features on the regular. So, should you play State of Decay 2 in 2022?


From Indie to Cult Classic

I still fondly remember the release of State of Decay. The zombie survival game was initially released on the Xbox 360 in June of 2013 as part of the console’s indie program on the Xbox Live Arcade. Later that year, Undead Labs and Microsoft would launch the game on PC, too.

I was lucky enough to collaborate with Undead Labs to help market the first game by hiding teaser images on the website where I was an Editor in Chief. That partnership, and the ability to review the game and its expansions, led to a long-standing adoration of both the studio and the series as a whole.

I eagerly awaited the release of State of Decay 2, and I preordered on the Microsoft Store alongside a buddy of mine. He played a single session with me, then never touched it again. Years later, here I am still playing and covering the game. I’ve bought it multiple times for both myself and my wife, and even for a few friends and my brother across the country.

It’s safe to say that, yes, I believe in State of Decay and Undead Labs wholeheartedly. And here’s the major kicker; I’m not alone! So many fans continue to boot up the game each day!

A Sandbox of Content

As of this writing, State of Decay 2 features five maps available in its campaign mode, one in the Heartland expansion, and a small, tower defense-like map in Daybreak.

To the layman, five maps doesn’t sound like a lot, right? Wrong! Each map can take you anywhere from hours to days to weeks to complete. I’ve personally spent a hundred hours of game time on a single community.

Better still, if you’re emotionally attached to your community, you can move to another map and begin anew without losing your progress in a neverending cycle.

And what do you do on these maps? Defeat Plague Hearts, kill droves of zombies, and loot to your heart’s content! Seriously, the amount of lootable items in the game is, simply put, astounding. You have crafting items, melee weapons, firearms, ammunition, first aid, vehicles, vehicle upgrade kits, gas canisters, an assortment of consumables, like molotovs and grenades, and so much more.

It’s addicting!

All the while, you build up your base to help survive the end days.

One More Lootbox

You know how games like Civilization feature that “one more turn” addicting gameplay loop. Well, State of Decay 2 offers something similar in its available loot. You never know what you’re going to obtain from a crate, office desk, or gun locker. It’s addicting to clear buildings, then loot useful items to bring back to your growing base.

Besides all of the loot to consider, think about the characters and their development. Sure, most don’t offer much in the way of meaningful dialogue. A few one-liners and quips here or there. It’s nothing groundbreaking. But you can develop their skills. As you loot, fight, craft, and more, you’ll level up your skills, thereby making your character more of a survivor.

It’s tough to walk away from the trials and tribulations of your community.

End of the World Story Generator

While you’ll stumble upon plenty of scripted missions in the game, like tracking down a few Plague Samples, for instance, a lot of the stories come from little moments.

For instance, not long ago, I planned out a nice little trek to clear a military checkpoint in Downtown Marshall. The thing is, I forgot to tank up my truck. A rookie mistake, to be sure, and one I paid dearly for in the end.

As you would guess, I ran out of gas in the middle of the city, surrounded by Blood Plague. My lone survivor, with nothing but a handgun with a single magazine, a rucksack of ammunition, and a machete was forced to venture out on foot. I ducked, dodged, shot my way out of harm’s way. But in the end, it wasn’t enough. I was too deep into enemy territory with little assistance.

That was the untimely death of Savannah, lovingly nicknamed ‘Fah’, and the loss of my best vehicle, a coveted sidearm, and a rucksack of much-needed ammunition.

Every player has a story or two like this, or another of similar heroics and failures, that they remember to this day.

That’s what State of Decay 2 does. It weasels its way into your day-to-day with memorable tidbits, carefully laid out plans, and a hell of a lot of fun.

Is State of Decay 2 worth playing in 2022? Without a doubt, yes. I would pay full price again for the game.