Fallout 76 Power Armor

Fallout 76: How to Get Power Armor

There is genuinely something special about donning power armor in Fallout 76. You feel like the ultimate badass, right? The epitome of a fighting machine, poised to topple the Scorchbeast Queen with relative ease.

But first, you need to find a set of power armor to wear. It’s not always easy, especially in a multiplayer game in which some loot is shared across the server. In this case, power armor.

Where Do I Find Power Armor?

Easy! Your first set of functional power armor is a short walk from the entrance to Vault 76. Upon exiting the vault, where you begin your journey, immediately head to the right, to Morgantown Trainyard. There, you’ll note a shack with an attached garage. Inside, carefully stepping over the makeshift trap in the doorway, you’ll find a power armor docking station and a set of power armor, though it is likely missing a few key pieces.

The power armor did not spawn? That’s a common problem, especially if you stumble across other low-level players in the area. Chances are, despite rushing to the scene, you missed out. Someone else can take the power armor. You’ll need to change your game world until the power armor does spawn.

Can I Lose Power Armor in Fallout 76?

Thankfully, no. When you exit your power armor or walk too far away from your suit, the game automatically sends it to your inventory. You cannot accidentally forget your power armor in a dungeon, so fret not.

To spawn your power armor, place it in the game world from your inventory. It will act as an object that you may then enter.

The Benefits of Power Armor in Fallout 76

Obviously, wearing power armor is more beneficial than, say, leather armor. If you have the Fusion Core supply, then it makes sense to wear power armor during your adventures.

But what are the benefits of power armor?

  • A boost to your hand-to-hand damage
  • Decrease incoming damage from enemy mobs
  • Eliminate fall damage
  • Increase carrying capacity
  • With a helmet, breathe underwater for longer durations

As you can see, wearing power armor genuinely makes you a badass.

After you find your first set of power armor, why not start leveling up fast in Fallout 76?