State of Decay 2: All Lethal Zone Achievements

Are you a completionist? I typically don’t find myself achievement hunting very often, unless I genuinely love the game and want to 100% the whole thing. Like with State of Decay 2. This brings me to the toughest achievements in the game, the Lethal Zone achievements.

Lethal Zone is a hellscape. There are so many Blood Plague Freaks to contend with, and more Plague Hearts to destroy, and you receive less of everything: loot, experience, and influence. But hey, a few sweet, exclusive achievements to brag about could help, right?

Here are all of the State of Decay 2 achievements dedicated to Lethal Zone!

Lethal Zone Achievements

While battling it out with the undead for these achievements, remember these often forgotten Lethal Zone tips and tricks. They’ll help you on your quest to unlock the following:

  • Lilac and Spoiled Gooseberries — Kill 25 Blood Plague Bloaters
  • Retrieve Biomass — Kill a Plague Heart with minimum difficulty set to Lethal.
  • Bless Me Now With Your Fierce Tears — Begin a session with minimum difficulty set to Lethal.
  • Barbershop Quartet — Kill one of each of the four Blood Plague Freaks with miniimum difficulty set to Lethal.

Yeah, that’s right. There are only four achievements for Lethal Zone. It shouldn’t be too hard, right?

Good luck, survivor!