State of Decay 2: How to Farm Influence Fast

When it comes to State of Decay 2 influence farming, I know you want the most efficient, to-the-point methods to boost your survivor colony to the next level. But first, before we dive into how to farm influence in State of Decay 2, let’s quickly touch on what influence is and how it helps.

What is Influence in State of Decay 2?

Influence is a type of in-game currency used in State of Decay 2 that helps the player pay for outposts and complete radio calls for aid. But perhaps the biggest use of influence in the game is for trading. When you meet a friendly enclave, you can proposition them for goods, and they take influence as payment.

How to Farm Influence in State of Decay 2

See, I told you we would only quickly touch upon the basics of influence in State of Decay.

Now, let’s dive into the meat. How do you farm influence in State of Decay 2?

If you want to stockpile influence to pay for outposts or trade goods, you’ll need to grind.

  • Killing Special Zombies
  • Completing Quests
  • Clearing Infestations
  • Destroying Plague Hearts
  • Trading Valuables

Of these five methods to farm influence, trading is the easiest and most lucrative. Along your journeys, you’ll accumulate a large number of valuable commodities, such as bars of soap or stacks of encyclopedias. These items are worth nothing to your colony in their current state, but trade for high amounts of influence at friendly enclaves.

State of Decay 2

How to Make the Most Influence From Trade

Okay, so we’ve clarified that trade is the number one way to earn influence in State of Decay 2. But how do you make the most of this method?

Yes, you want to stockpile valuable goods. But to earn more influence per item, you’ll want to work with nearby enclaves until you achieve ‘Allied‘ status with them. As allies, you’ll receive better influence prices per item.

Taking Advantage of Boons to Farm Influence

Furthermore, if you’ve completed the game on your chosen difficulty previously, you’ll have unlocked legacy boons. Two of these boons, specifically Sheriff and Trader, earn you more influence overall.

  • Sheriff — A sherrif unlcoks the Bulk Plague Cure, which allows you to bundle four plague cure vials in a single slot. You can then trade the bulk items bundle for massive amounts of influence at allied enclaves.
  • Trader — The trader focuses on, of course, trading with others. Their unique construction, the Trade Depot, to help you earn more influence with the locals.

There you have it, the best methods on how to get influence fast in State of Decay 2 to maximize your community’s potential in the apocalypse!