Starfield Lin Companion on Vectera
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Starfield: How to Recruit Lin

A big part of Starfield revolves around recruiting companions and learning to use them effectively. Some, like this one, prove more effective working at an outpost rather than following you into combat. Here is how to recruit Lin in Starfield!

How to Recruit Lin in Starfield

You will meet Lin in Starfield during the prologue while working for Argos Extractors before pulling your first Artifact out of the rock. After that, we leave her behind. But to recruit Lin in Starfield, you must progress through the main story.

After you return to Constellation Lodge in New Atlantis, you will receive a quest called “Back to Vectera,” which involves returning to the prologue’s moon to track down Barrett and bring him home. I won’t spoil anything, but Lin is available, still hanging around the mining operation, and she’ll come with you if you speak to her and ask her to join your crew.

You may not have an outpost established at this early point in the game. For now, do as I did and temporarily assign her to your ship crew. It won’t be long before you construct an outpost on a barren planet for its resources.

Related: Starfield: How to Recruit Marika Boros

Lin’s Skills

Outpost Management3

It’s important to note that her Outpost Management skill means she boosts the efficiency of your outposts, allowing you to assign additional crew. It’s worth placing her down on your most crucial outpost!

Can You Romance Lin?

Like most of the companions in Starfield, except the core Constellation members, you cannot romance Lin. She’s a fantastic companion, especially when you place her in charge of an outpost, but she isn’t romantically involved with anyone, especially you.

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