Miasma Chronicles Review

Miasma Chronicles Review: Tactical RPG Fun at the End of the World

I’m a sucker for a Tactical RPG. It’s such an overlooked genre with so much room for growth and innovation, and yet, year after year, the genre remains relatively stagnant. Thankfully, The Bearded Ladies is putting in work to introduce newcomers to TPGs. With their most recent release, it’s no wonder why I remained hooked on the game long after finishing my review. Here’s our Miasma Chronicles review in all its post-apocalyptic glory!

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How is the Miasma Chronicles Story?

Miasma Chronicles Story

When it comes to the post-apocalyptic subgenre of gaming, story-based games are a dime a dozen. They tell the same tales of a world gone wrong, devastated by a nuclear meltdown, cataclysm, or human error. It’s all rather bland.

But Miasma Chronicles mixed up the stale tale of the end of the world by introducing us to survivors doing battle with the environment, a mysterious force known as the Miasma, as well as mutated creatures, like the frogmen, that prove tribalistic and tough to battle. It’s a world with humans, gangster robotic brothers, and monstrosities that make me feel an equal mix of horror and disgust.

Is it the most original story in the world? No, someone has definitely crafted a similar tale, but then again, what story isn’t reused these days? Miasma Chronicles introduces enough freshness to keep me and many others following along with the story from start to finish.

How is the Miasma Chronicles Gameplay?

Miasma Chronicles Gameplay

But as is common with most strategy games, even those with a little more RPG flair, most folks aren’t playing Miasma Chronicles for its story. They want turn-based tactical gameplay, the feeling of power creep as they level their heroes, and the chance to win combat encounters using finesse and mental acuity.

So, how does Miasma Chronicles fare in terms of gameplay? It’s a lot of fun, honestly!

It’s the usual formula of exploring the game world with your party, like most other role-playing games, but then turns into a turn-based tactical experience come combat with various foes. Every character has a set of skills and actions, including throwing grenades and unique skill shots based on chosen skills, equipment, and class types.

That said, the game is tough. It appears The Bearded Ladies took some inspiration from XCOM, as I missed countless shots and wound up with my heroes face-first in the mud more times than I can count. Maybe I’m just terrible at the game, but damn those frogs hit hard!

It’s best to take a careful, well-thought-out approach to combat. Whenever possible, utilize the ambush mechanic to get the drop on an enemy force and take out a few in stealth to even the odds. This is such an underrated mechanic that more players must utilize.

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How is the Miasma Chronicles World?

While I genuinely enjoyed my time with Miasma Chronicles (Steam), from its story to its gameplay, nothing quite captured me during my playtime like the game’s world. It’s absolutely gorgeous. A fleshed-out post-apocalyptic wasteland oozing personality and atmosphere.

Your first foray into the wasteland will see you clambering up a decaying skyscraper, sifting through abandoned corner offices and boardrooms in search of plastics. It’s a memorable and entertaining experience.

Then, you have the various towns and settlements in the game. These feel lived-in, fleshed out, and fun.

Do I Recommend Miasma Chronicles?

Yes! A resounding yes! If you enjoy tactical role-playing games or just RPGs in general, then you’ll enjoy Miasma Chronicles.

I know some players take issue with a few game design choices, along with a few of the characters you meet, but I didn’t feel anything took away from the overall experience. It was just a lot of fun!

What did you think of our Miasma Chronicles Review? Did you enjoy the game?