Fallout 76 Solo Player
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Fallout 76: Can You Play Single Player? – Answered

I get it. Sometimes, despite playing a multiplayer-focused game, you want to be left alone and do your own thing. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. So, can you play Fallout 76 single-player without worrying about world events or other players trolling you?

Can You Play Fallout 76 Single Player?

Unfortunately, you can’t play Fallout 76 single-player in the traditional sense. It’s the same game world, with multiplayer events and whatnot, but if you pay for Fallout 1st, you gain access to Private Worlds. These allow you to load into Appalachia alone to play through the various quests and explore landmarks uninterrupted. That said, you won’t be able to partake in any world events.

Related: How to Get to Atlantic City in Fallout 76

How to Play in a Solo Lobby in Fallout 76

If you want to play in a solo lobby in Fallout 76, it’s possible, but the downside is you need to pay for Fallout 1st. A monthly subscription of $12.99 will grant you access to a bevy of benefits, including a monthly stipend of Atoms, a few cosmetics, and the ability to play in Custom Worlds and Private Adventure.

It’s the latter you want, as it will deposit you into a completely solitary game with zero other players and let you explore, tackle quests, and kill Feral Ghouls for as long as you pay the monthly fee. To access Private Adventures, ensure you have an active subscription, and then, when entering a game, choose the Private option from the menu.

Of course, if you get lonely, you can always switch back to the regular adventure mode. That, or bring Sofia Daguerre along for the ride!

Tips for Playing Solo in Fallout 76

If you intend to play Fallout 76 solo, as I did for approximately 200 hours, then I have a few tips to help you survive Appalachia:

  • You’ll want to enable Pacifist Mode from the settings menu under ‘Game.’ Don’t let anyone pick fun at your expense. It’s your experience, so tell them to jog on.
  • Start a character with the level 20 boost, choosing the appropriate class that fits your playstyle, to gain a headstart.
  • Explore the world around you. You want to map every POI, loot all possible items, and kill every creature you find to gain XP.
  • If you truly want the solo experience, skip out on the public events. More often than not, even in a quiet server, you’ll meet other players here.
  • Take the Lone Wanderer perk, as it provides a significant boost to your damage reduction and Action Points regeneration, both of which prove helpful while playing solo.

You can find the team here at Goblins & Ghouls exploring Appalachia in Fallout 76, hunting for cryptids, and finding game guide material for you. For instance, do you know where to find Nuka-Cola Wild?