Animals in Planet Zoo Wetlands Animal Pack

Planet Zoo: All of the Animals in the Wetlands Animal Pack

Developer Frontier Developments continues to impress the community and offer support for their hit building/management game, Planet Zoo, with the release of the Wetlands Animal Pack. In this latest DLC, you’ll discover eight new animals, new gameplay mechanics and features, and an exciting scenario. So, without further ado, let’s explore the animals in Planet Zoo: Wetlands Animal Pack.



Wild Water Buffalo

Nile Lechwe

Danube Crested Newt

Asian Small-Clawed Otter

Spectacled Caiman

Red-Crowned Crane

New Animations

Along with the additional animals in Planet Zoo, the Wetlands Animal Pack includes a choice selection of useful and exciting animations.

These animations include deep-water diving, mating dances, aquatic pirouettes, and relaxation in warm-water pools.