Fallout 76: Why Claim a Workshop

Fallout 76 is littered with unique opportunities to earn scrap and help you level up fast. One such opportunity comes in the form of workshops, but why claim a workshop and how does it benefit you?

How to Claim a Workshop

To take advantage of the many benefits a workshop offers, you must first claim one for yourself. To claim one, clear the immediate area of enemies and mutated monsters.

Once clear, head on over to the workshop (the orange/red table), and activate it, which costs a bit of caps. The cost varies depending on which workshop you’re claiming.

Once you pay, the workshop’s flag will rise high into the air. It’s yours! But now, hostile players can push your position and lay claim to the workshop. It’s time to fight!

While fighting off hordes of enemies and players keen on taking what you have, you need to build up the workshop surroundings to take advantage of raw materials and resources.

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Fallout 76’s Workshop Benefits

No, the benefits of contesting a workshop are not limited to experience points and the thrill of PvP. For your efforts, you’ll also enjoy an abunance of crafting supplies, like Medicine, Ammo, Fusion Cores, and raw materials, like ores.

While you control a workshop, remember to craft. Any items you craft while within the sphere of influence comes from the workshop’s resource pool, not your own. You won’t waste raw materials from your inventory to finally stock up on ammunition for your pipe pistols.

PvE at Workshops

It’s common to endure attacks from random waves of enemies while controlling a workshop. When they launch their assault, you’ll receive the ‘Defend Workshop’ event. To successfully defend your claim, kill all of the enemies plaguing the area.

If you successfully defend the workshop, you’ll receive crafting plans, ammunition, purified water, and Stimpaks.

PvP at Workshops

On top of the waves of AI-controlled enemies, hostile players may feel the need to assault your efforts, too.

When a player attacks, the ‘Attack on Workshop’ event triggers, igniting PvP between the controlling player and the attacking player. The defender, thankfully, may respawn at the workshop.

As the controlling force, you can build turrets to help you defense your claim against players!