What is Unseen Aid in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice?

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — What is Unseen Aid?

Like all other FromSoftware titles, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice features challenging gameplay with rewarding progression but also a few mysterious game mechanics that leave many scratching their heads in annoyance. For example, what is Unseen Aid in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice?

What is Unseen Aid?

First and foremost, allow me to explain the gameplay mechanic that is Unseen Aid. You see, this is a hidden, invisible force in the game world of Sekiro that, when you die, negates progression and item loss to an extent.

You can check your current Unseen Aid by pausing the game—it’s located near the bottom of the screen.

Without Unseen Aid, every time you die, you lose progress towards your next Skill Point alongside currencies you’ve accumulated during your journey to this point.

Unfortunately, Unseen Aid doesn’t occur as often as most players like.

Furthermore, Dragonrot can affect your Unseen Aid drastically, negating any boon you might receive from its grace.

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How Do I Trigger Unseen Aid in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice?

Unfortunately, the player cannot directly trigger Unseen Aid manually. Instead, the mechanic triggers randomly upon death, accumulating over time.

Again, you can check your current Unseen Aid odds by checking the pause menu. It maxes out at 30%. As such, when fully maxed out, one in every three deaths will receive Unseen Aid.

But again, we must note Dragonrot. If you die in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and fully respawn, you spread Dragonrot. For every Rot Essence you accumulate, your Unseen Aid odds decrease.

How Does Rot Essence Affect Unseen Aid?

The first time you die and receive Rot Essence, your odds of receiving Unseen Aid are cut in half. For all additional Rot Essence, the chance decreases by 2%.

The minimum chance to trigger Unseen Aid stops at 5%.

Can I Increase the Chance of Unseen Aid?

As previously mentioned, the cap is 30%. But if you’ve perished a few times and have Dragonrot and Rot Essence, you can cure NPCs of the disease. To do so, you’ll require a rare item, of which there are only a few in the game, stemming from a side quest provided from the central hub area.