Trepang2 Review – Balls to the Wall Action

Do you remember when F.E.A.R. was released back in October of 2005? It was perfect timing, just before Halloween. To this day, I cannot think of another horror shooter that oozed atmosphere, paired well with thrilling first-person shooter gameplay, and forced me out of the chair with a few scares. That is, until today. Trepang2, something of a spiritual successor to F.E.A.R., is one of the most exciting and polished first-person shooter experiences I’ve enjoyed in 2023.

Plus, it features a ton of old-school cheat codes, like big head, that promise to shake things up in a stiff industry!

How is the Gunplay…I Mean Gameplay

As a visceral first-person shooter, Trepang2 does its core component exceptionally well. The gunplay, and the overall gameplay, feel extremely fluid and fun. I never felt like a tank or clunky whatsoever, and I moved through each environment like a katana—I was swift and deadly no matter the weapon in my hands.

Your various abilities, like turning invisible or slowing down time to line up headshots and sweet slide moves, really help combat flow smoothly. You can activate your invisibility, take a breath after an extended shootout, then get the drop on the next group of foes. Or, slow down time and jump and drift through office cubicles to quickly mow down an entire squad with a single magazine.

Trepang2 is filled with memorable setpieces and action moments that you’ll recall well after completing the game. You’ll fondly look back upon the first time you encounter a mutant in the basement of the laboratory, then activated slow-motion to chop it down with a submachine gun. Or, how about the time you went invisible and lobbed a grenade into an elevator as its doors opened with a full squad inside?

Trepang2 is memorable, and that’s the highest honor one can bestow upon a first-person shooter released in 2023 in a genre bogged down with releases.

Is a Story a Requirement?

Absolutely not, in the case of Trepang2. Of every component in the game, it was the story I found lacking the most. It’s pretty typical and bog-standard in spots, and I never once felt invested in the characters, organizations, or learning more about the experiments and happenings in the world.

I was here for two reasons: shoot shit and blow stuff up.

As such, if you’re playing Trepang2 for the story, prepare for disappointment. While it seems the studio did put reasonable effort into crafting a horror-shooter tale with some background lore, it fell flat compared to the excellent gunplay and gore.

Graphically Gifted

In most areas, Trepang2 is graphically gorgeous. We’re talking about high-fidelity textures and meshes that are pleasant to stare at for extended periods, fantastic weapon models, and exciting and visceral explosions and bullet splatter around the environment.

There are some locations you’ll pass through quite quickly. Despite moving through some levels at speed, they visually look impressive. The developers went in with great care to flesh out each space, adding touches and tidbits to craft a believable world.


Can you replay Trepang2 for countless hours of enjoyment? Absolutely! While I found the wave-based training program back at the home base rather bland, the main campaign features enough unique set pieces and high-octane combat to keep fans of the genre turning for more.

Again, this game really isn’t about the story. It’s about the gameplay, and it’s a lot of fun.

I highly recommend Trepang2, even at full price, due to its extremely enjoyable gameplay and countless throwback features, like fun cheats to mix gameplay up even further! It’s the perfect ode to F.E.A.R.!