7 Days to Die: All Special Infected in the Game

Whether you’re blind or brand-new to the game, know that 7 Days to Die is a zombie survival game filled with, you guessed it, zombies! But a few stand out from the crowd. For instance, the slew of Special Infected in 7 Days to Die tend to wreak havoc and destroy newly-founded bases with relative ease.

As they say, knowing is half the battle. Arm yourself with a little knowledge of the game’s special infected types to aid in your battle and survive one more day!

Types of Special Infected in 7 Days to Die

In all, there are eight types of special infected in 7 Days to Die, though that may change as the developer introduces new content to the game.

  • Burn Victim – The Burn Victim deals fire damage if the player comes in direct contact with this special infected .It spawns around the burnt forest biome, but also near ‘Clear the Area‘ quests from Traders.
  • Crawler Zombie – The Crawler Zombie is one of the earliest special infected introduced to the game, and will crawl along the ground on all four of its limbs to ambush unsuspecting players. Its special ability is an annoying immunity to stuns.
  • Demolisher – The Demolisher is tough as nails, physically resistant to most melee attacks, and can break your base’s spikes with its bare hands. It typically spawns during Blood Moon hordes, and is weak to explosive damage dealt by shooting the C4 strapped to its torso.
  • Feral Wight – The Feral Wight proves troublesome to new players, as it is particularly tough, with a lot of strength and zero weaknesses during daylight hours. Thankfully, Feral Wights only spawn in major cities, during Blood Moon hordes, and in caves.
  • Mutated Zombies – The Mutated Zombie utilizes a ranged spitting attack that does less damage to blocks but more to the player. It spawns everywhere in the game world.
  • Infected Police Officer – Like Mutated Zombies, the Infected Police Officer releases acidic vomit in a dangerous ranged attack but also comes with high amounts of health points, making it somewhat of a tank. They drop fantastic loot, though, so try your hand at taking one down.
  • Screamer – The Screamer Zombie acts as something of a scout for zombie hordes. It appears when you produce heat, like with a campfire, spawns, and screams to attract a nearby horde to your location. You can kill them relatively easily, though.
  • Spider Zombies – Like the Crawler Zombies, Spider Zombies prefer to scamper about on all four limbs. Unlike the Crawler, however, the Spider Zombie will scale walls and crawl on ceilings. They spit a web-like material to trap the player, dealing low amounts of damage in the meantime.

How to Defeat Special Infected

Like most other zombies in 7 Days to Die, you can defeat most special infected with a well-placed headshot using a strong melee weapon or firearm.

Alternatively, for those acid-spitting zombies, you’ll want to keep your distance. Use a long-range rifle or explosives to deal the final blow.

The same goes for special infected with a ton of health points, like the police officer, which can easily tank your hits or shots and deal massive amounts of damage to you in return.