Dying Light 2 Factions

Dying Light 2: All Factions You’ll Meet

The world of Dying Light 2 is in a constant state of flux between numerous factions vying for control of resources and territory. Your part in this whole story will determine who comes out on top. As such, learning all about the Dying Light 2 factions you’ll meet and work with should be a top priority going into the game.

And yes, who you align with will alter the game’s ending.

Dying Light 2 Factions

One of the biggest new features of the open-world zombie sequel is its faction system. There are three factions: Peacekeepers, Survivors, and Renegades. Each one plays a specific role in the ecosystem of Villedor, and with your influence, can become quite powerful.


Think of the Peacekeepers as the last remnants of the military. They prefer order and duty, placing themselves as the de facto law of the city. At least, in areas they control.

As we’ve seen in previous gameplay and cinematic trailers, the Peacekeepers utilize occasionally harsh methodology to enact their rule over the city and its people.

It’s a trade-off. Do you want stability and safety but at the expense of human rights?


The Survivors, like most groups of the same name in post-apocalyptic video games, aim for survival at all costs. They utilize the world around them, collecting resources and placing traps to overwhelm superior forces, like the undead, to stay alive one more day.

Of all the factions in the game, the Survivors prove the most peaceful. They simply want to exist at the end of the world.

Unfortunately, that means they’re also one of the weakest factions in the game.


As former prisoners and criminals, the Renegades are akin to the Raiders of the Fallout franchise. They wreak havoc upon unsuspecting victims, rampage about the city, loot, and wield metal plates and makeshift armor that make them tough to topple.

Renegades are tough, ruthless, and quite dangerous when in groups. You’ll want to whittle down their forces quickly to avoid ranged attacks, like molotovs and bow and arrows.

How Does the World Change With Factions?

Depending on which faction you side with during specific missions, that faction will grow in strength and influence.

We’ve previously seen gameplay in which the player could bequeath a power plant to either the Peacekeepers or Survivors. Depending on the choice, the building itself changes, as does the surrounding area, with new patrols, fortifications, flags, and other symbols.

But it’s more than cosmetic. If you side with the Peacekeepers, for instance, new traps crop up around the area, including car bombs. But if you choose the Survivors, you could wind up with new mobility options, like ziplines.

Of course, that’s small-time stuff. The big changes come within the story itself, as important characters live and die, combat breaks out depending on your choices, and an entire city is up for grabs.

Are you excited for Dying Light 2? Which faction will you side with?