Europe Universalis IV: The Best Nations for Beginners

Let me be among the first to welcome you to the addicting world of Europa Universalis IV. Whether this is your first time playing a grand strategy game or simply your first time forming a nation in a quest for dominance, chances are you need a helping hand. I’m here to detail the best Europa Universalis IV nations for beginners — the starting countries best suited to learning the game mechanics and standing your ground against both other players and the AI.

Before we begin, why not go all-in with the grand strategy genre and learn more about the best nations to play as in Hearts of Iron IV, too!

Starting Tips for Europa Universalis IV

First off, before we dive into the best Europa Universalis IV nations for beginners, let me offer a few beginner’s tips for the game.

For your first game, I would highly recommend you play solo. For my first game — my first foray into the grand strategy genre years back — I let a friend group convince me to play multiplayer.

Now, learning the mechanics late in a full multiplayer lobby equals bad news, friend. My supposed partner, who was playing as Portugal, while I played Castile, immediately stabbed me in the back. I floundered, lost my country early on, and then refused to play online until I learned how to better play the game.

Secondly, as a complete beginner to Europa Universalis IV, I would recommend playing vanilla. Do not install any mods or expansions. Every expansion since release adds game-changing mechanics and features, which to a newcomer, can feel overwhelming. It’s better to learn bit-by-bit.

Now, let’s explore a few ideal starter nations for you!

Best Europe Universalis IV Nations for Beginners

In Europa Universalis IV, players can choose from over 500 nations to play as. Your priority is to take your chosen nation from humble beginnings to world power through military might, trade dominance, or other means.

Here are five nations I recommend for new players in Europa Universalis IV!


Of the many potential starter nations available, Castile ranks among the highest. Its position in the world is strong and stable, with Portugal — a fine ally — to the West.

When playing Castile, you have a few strategies. You could focus on trade by dominating the Mediterranean Sea. Or, you could colonize the New World. Alternatively, you could build up your armies and take on France, moving deeper into Europe.

If you want to go the colonization route, make sure to choose Exploration ideas as your first choice. But while you wait, turn your attention to Navarra to the north. They’re perfect for visualization.

Elsewhere, you’ll note the mission ‘Reclaim Andalucia‘ which asks you to conquer Granada. If you’ve allied yourself with Portugal, it’s a short war. The conquest of Granada is something of a catalyst towards dominance throughout the Mediterranean and Old World.


Playing as the Ottomans can feel like cheating. As far as starter nations go, the Ottomans begin with an abundance of territory, a sizable army, a stable economy, and plenty of opportunities to explore.

The key to world dominance while playing as the Ottomans comes from rushing their military technology. Your priority should be to acquire mil-tech level 5, which will ensure you boast the strongest infantry among most cultures in the immediate area.

To further strengthen your military capabilities, the Ottomans receive the event “The Janissaries,” if their rule is above five monarch power in each category and you have 50 or greater army tradition. If you accept, Janissaries provide significant military bonuses until the end of the game.

With such military bonuses in place, tackling your neighbors becomes a cakewalk.


Do you like the sound of safety? Do you want a chance to learn the game mechanics, build up an army, dominate trade, and colonize the New World? If yes, then you want to play as Portugal.

Many within the community consider Portugal to be the safest starting country in the game. It’s flanked by Castile, who is already friendly, which acts as a barrier to much of the world. If you ally with Castile, Aragon, or even nearby France, you’re essentially set into the mid- to late-game.

But you’re not completely safe. As Portugal, you have to contend with Morocco in North Africa. You see, Morocco is one of only two nations — the other being Castile — with a claim on your land.

You can easily win skirmishes and an all-out war with Morocco by allying with a larger country, like Castile, building up your forces, and investing in military tech. At the same time, invest in your trade power in Sevilla, where you start with relatively reasonable starting ground.

The key to succeeding as Portugal is focusing on colonization. As the westernmost playable nation in Europe, you’re primed to explore the Caribbean, North and South America.


Ming is another nation with a ton of territory in the early game. For a new player, the sizable starting location in eastern Asia can prove both useful and terrifying.

Strategically speaking, Ming holds one of the best positions in the whole game. The populous region allows for unmatched development, valuable trade goods, and few if any rivals worthy of your forces.

The downside to ruling as the Emperor of China, however, is often experienced when rebellions begin to form, like the Manchu Rebellion or the White Lotus Rebellion. If you’re not careful or prepared, internal strife can bring down your empire from within.

But if you plan ahead, Ming’s vast manpower will allow you to expand your empire from Asia to Western Europe in time.


If your ultimate goal is to form Russia, then starting as Muscovy provides you with your greatest chance.

Like other recommended nations on our list, Muscovy begins with a considerable amount of land, which, in turn, provides you with opportunities to bolster your economy and invest in both infrastructure and technology.

Like the others before it, Muscovy also comes with a few challenges of its own. You’re surrounded by potential allies, vassals, and enemies. Muscovy borders Lithuania, Novgorod, Kazan, Great Horde, Perm, Ryazan, Odoyev, Tver, Beloozero, Rostov, and Yaroslavl. Nearby, Sweden, Crimea, and Livonian Order pose risks of their own.

You’ll find yourself thrust into combat early and often, so Muscovy makes for a fantastic lesson on warfare.

We Want to Hear From You!

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