Project Zomboid Tips and Tricks for 2023

Project Zomboid: Best Tips and Tricks for 2023

Project Zomboid is a tough zombie survival game. If you’re coming over from, say, Left 4 Dead 2 or 7 Days to Die, you might find yourself between a rock and a hard place. But what if I told you that, beneath the complex survival mechanics, realistic details, and old-school graphics, there’s a survival game worth every second of your time? But first, you might want to educate yourself with a few Project Zomboid tips and tricks for 2023!

Crouch When Moving

Coming over from almost any other game, where crouching is a simple mechanic designed to steady your aim and keep your head low, Project Zomboid requires a little more concentration and patience.

For the most part, you’ll want to remain crouched while moving. You’re less likely to make noise and avoid the ever-hungry gaze of the undead.

Crouching is quiet. Walking is loud. It’s simple, and yet too many newcomers to Project Zomboid run willy-nilly about the neighborhood in search of loot. That’s how you die!

Loot Essentials First and Foremost

Early on, you’ll stumble upon all manner of loot. You’ll find weapons, ammo, clothing, cleaning supplies, cooking equipment, canned food, carpentry items, books, and more. It’s a lot. Your little survivor cannot carry it all safely without risking their neck.

In the early days, loot only the essentials. You want a good, durable weapon to help keep you alive. Then, focus on food, water, medical supplies, and an efficient bag to carry your haul.

Before long, you’ll have a safe house, or two, set up around town. Only then can you start transferring copious amounts of loot to your storage.

Set Up a Base

Speaking on the topic of a safe house, you’ll want to set up a base before long. Sure, some folks choose the nomadic lifestyle, and they wind up a zombie themselves. If you have a safe haven to rest your head and store your loot, you’re more likely to survive the long-term zombie apocalypse.

As a new player, you might feel spoiled for choice. After all, in Project Zomboid, you can fortify any building to use as a base. But not all options are equal.

A few tips for new players building a base in Project Zomboid:

  • You want a structure with multiple entrances, including doors or windows, for easy access and escape in the event of a zombie horde.
  • A building with an upstairs that you can block off, or if you destroy the stairs themselves, will prove viable for long-term survival.
  • You’ll want numerous storage containers, including cupboards and bookshelves. Later on, you can move storage to your base, like lockers and other containers.

Avoid Guns

In one of the more recent updates to Project Zomboid, developer The Indie Stone reduced the area of effect of gunshots. This change makes them somewhat more viable.

However, guns remain extremely loud, cumbersome, and require some skill in shooting to appropriately wield at any range.

The moment you fire a shot, you’ll draw in any zombie in the surrounding area. Do you have enough ammo to topple a horde? If not, stick to melee weapons. They’re quiet, don’t run out of ammo, and allow you to pick and choose your fights appropriately.