How to Arm Yourself in Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid: How to Arm Yourself With the Best Weapons

If you want to successfully survive the zombie apocalypse in Kentucky, you’ll require a selection of weapons and tools designed to bash brains. In fact, the first weapon you source is arguably one of the most important, as it’s likely to stick with you through thick and thin for the first few hours of your gameplay. Here’s how to arm yourself in Project Zomboid with weapons and tools!

Your Starting Weapon in Project Zomboid

While initial spawns in Project Zomboid are randomized, chances are high that you’ll wind up in a residential neighborhood. Inside one of the nearby homes, you might get lucky and nab a baseball bat, but you’ll more than likely end up with a frying pan or rolling pin. The former is genuinely quite useful. It’s durable and hard-hitting.

Ideally, you’ll want to find something with a bit of reach. A golf club works in a pinch, but actively seek out a baseball bat or fire axe. Both prove ever-useful in the zombie apocalypse.

If you get lucky and land a baseball bat, hang onto it for dear life. Once you learn more about crafting, with some nails, you can craft a spiked baseball bat. It will last you a lifetime with regular upkeep using wood glue, glue, adhesive tape, duct tape, and nails for repairs.

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Firearms in Project Zomboid

The other type of weaponry available in Project Zomboid is, of course, the firearm. But here’s the thing about guns in PZ; they’re loud and uncouth. The moment you fire a single round off from that dinky pistol you looted, you’ll attract every zombie in the surrounding neighborhood. A shotgun blast? Forget about it! You’ll bring the whole damn town down on your head.

As such, guns in Project Zomboid tend to be a last resort option. If you’re surrounded by a horde, pull out that rifle or shotgun. If you’re feeling overly confident and want to test your luck, whip out that revolver.

But for the time being, focus on melee combat.

Where to Find Weapons in Project Zomboid

You can find a weapon — makeshift or otherwise — in most locations throughout Project Zomboid‘s game world. Whether or not that weapon proves useful, however, is another matter altogether.

For basic weaponry, like tools, baseball bats, and frying pans, search around residential neighborhoods, hardware stores, garages, sheds, and restaurants for the latter items.

For firearms, keep an eye on the local police department and military outposts. Occasionally, you can find low-caliber weapons, like pistols, in homes or garages.

That being said, loot is often randomized, especially if you’re playing on a multiplayer server, so you may get lucky and pull a firearm early on from the most unlikely of sources.