Dying Light 2: Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Whether you thoroughly enjoyed the first game or find yourself leaping into Dying Light 2 and the franchise as a whole for the first time, a helping hand is usually welcome. We have a few Dying Light 2 tips for beginners, from parkour to combat, to help you survive the end days!

Dying Light 2 focuses heavily on fluid movement from rooftop to rooftop and frantic combat with both human and zombie opponents. As such, it’s easier for newcomers to find themselves overwhelmed at first.

Focus on Increasing Stamina

Early on, as you start collecting Inhibitors to upgrade your health and stamina, you’ll want to focus on increasing stamina above all else.


Because you’ll quickly discover that, despite his life of hardship, Aiden can barely keep his grip on any object in the game. And climbing? Don’t make me laugh!

You need the stamina to complete most vertical puzzles, to access some Dark Hollows, and to complete a few story and side missions, too.

Weapons Are Disposable

Chances are you want to know how to repair weapons in Dying Light 2. So many do, of course.

That being said, remember that most weapons in the game are completely disposable. You will find another weapon soon enough, and it will chop, slash, and slam as well as your last one.

But hey, if you discover a favorite weapon, you can add a Gear Mod to repair its durability and keep that slasher sharp for a few more fights.

Dying Light 2 Zombies

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

If you find yourself a little shaken up by the nighttime in Dying Light 2, fret not.

You can find some of the best loot in the game, including the coveted Inhibitors, inside of various Dark Hollows spread across the map.

But here’s the kicker! During the day, these hovels are home to countless zombies and, occasionally, a volatile or two that will kick your ass to kingdom come. There are too many to fight alone!

But at night, well, that’s when things change. The undead come out to roam the city, leaving their safe space relatively free and clear for you to explore and loot. You can sneak in, use stealth takedowns on any remaining sleepers, then loot to your heart’s content.

Purchase Gear Mods

Combat in Dying Light 2 is relatively simple. You hack and slash, dodge, and perform the occasional parkour move to get the upper hand. I’ve talked with far too many players who have skipped utilizing Gear Mods altogether because they simply don’t need them.

That’s a mistake!

Seriously, do invest in Gear Mods. You can increase the damage and range of specific weapons, add on unique attacks, like electrifying your machete, and other rare modifications that, say, increase the durability of your weapon exponentially.

Dying Light 2 Factions

Upgrade Your Gear

As you explore the world and take down zombies and volatiles, you’ll receive a unique item: infected trophies.

You can use these in-game trophies to upgrade your equipment, including usable ones like molotovs and lockpicks.

Once you collect enough trophies, head on back to a safe zone and find yourself a vendor. The first few upgrades require five trophies. After that, you’ll need trophies plus other resources.

Choosing a Faction

Don’t let anyone tell you who to side with!

Sure, some folks like to claim that Survivors offer better rewards. Their tools include movement and parkour enhancements, like jump pads and ziplines. But the Peacekeepers offer their own unique traps to help with combat and ambushes.

In any case, choose whichever faction resonates with you most. For me, it was the Peacekeepers. For my wife, it was the Survivors.

Enjoy the Co-op Mode

Most — but not all — video games are better with friends. This is especially true for horror games, which promise shenanigans and a few scares to share with a pal.

In Dying Light 2, at release, the cooperative mode was somewhat broken. Many users, myself included, wound up with countless disconnects and lag. It was almost unplayable.

But Techland is patching the game regularly, and co-op is in a far better state today than on release day.

So seriously, load up a game with a buddy or significant other and enjoy the parkour and zombie-slashing mayhem together!

I hope these Dying Light 2 tips help you enjoy the game to its fullest!

Interested in the game but on the fence? Check out my official Dying Light 2 review!